List now, launch later

Our LIST NOW, LAUNCH LATER initiative is helping our buyers to get sale-ready and capitalise on the market.

Knowing when the best time might be to sell your property is never the easiest thing to determine. Of course, there are the typically busier times of the year, such as Spring, but the experience of the last two years has shown us all that the unexpected can, and will happen, and sometimes you simply can’t call it. Few would have predicted that the market would not only remain buoyant, but actually continue to rise through the latest lockdown period. But it did!

Even if we could predict exactly what will happen with property values, and with supply and demand, these favourable conditions may not be obliging enough align with your own objectives, or with unexpected life events that contrive to trigger your decision to sell.

If you are motivated to sell, but want to wait for ‘the right time’, chances are, by the time you have gone through the process of preparing your property for sale, you could well have missed the boat.

We believe we have hit upon the ideal antidote to these uncertain times. Our LIST NOW, LAUCH LATER initiative is the perfect solution to the eternal conundrum of when to sell. This ingenious strategy allows you to get ahead of other sellers and ensure you are ready to capitalise on a booming market in a flash. So how does it work?

Quite simply, you list your property for sale now, but we delay its marketing launch until you are ready, or until, together, we decide the time is right.

LIST NOW, LAUCH LATER gives you time to make sure your property and all required paperwork is in order and gives us the time to craft the perfect sale strategy.

LIST NOW, LAUCH LATER Preparations include:

  • Getting your contract of sale prepared and ready to go.
  • Completing any repairs and maintenance required and de-cluttering the property.
  • Engaging a stylist to present your property to its greatest advantage.
  • Arranging for a professional photographer to shoot your campaign images.
  • Organising a quality marketing campaign.
  • Conducting a building and pest inspection.
  • This also gives us time to discuss off-market options with you.
  • And if required, you’ll also have time to begin conversations with your tenants.

So, once you are ready to launch, you’ll be perfectly positioned to beat the rush, while other sellers are scrambling to get their house in order (excuse the pun).

Call us anytime, 24/7 on (02) 8006 2114 to book a market appraisal and get the ball rolling.

 And remember! Our SMART SALE methodology, means we take care of the marketing, so you have ZERO up-front fees. AND every WHITEHAUS sale comes with our NO SALE, NO FEE guarantee. So you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


To help you prepare, here are our top tips for giving your property the very best chance of achieving top dollar.

  1. Take a fresh, objective look at your property from the outside. When we live with our property every day, it’s surprising what we begin to overlook, or have just learned to live with. Cast a critical eye over your property to assess its kerb appeal, and tidiness of the garden and drive. Check paintwork is clean and in good condition, that windows and ledges are clean, and that your entryway is clean, tidy and inviting. Prospective buyers walking up to an unkempt home, lacking evidence of TLC, is not going to create a good first impression.


  1. Step into your home and again, assess your surroundings as if for the first time. What greets you as you enter? Does the décor look fresh and clean? Are floor coverings in good condition? How does the place smell? What about light levels? Is your property awash with natural light, or might you need to get creative with some well-placed lighting?


  1. Now is a really good time to de-clutter. This can be quite time-consuming, so as you have plenty of time to prepare, get ahead of the game and start packing up all the things you don’t need and hiring a storage unit. Clear some cupboard space too, so you always have somewhere to store all those everyday things that can make the place look untidy before open homes. As well as de-cluttering, it’s also a good idea to depersonalise. Your family portraits may well be beautiful, but they will inevitably detract from potential buyers being able to visualise themselves in your home.


  1. If there are repairs, or a refresh of paintwork required, this is the next job to organize, now that your property is free from clutter, and before you think about styling.


  1. Consider engaging a property stylist and book a consultation to get their advice. They will work with the furnishings you have, and supplement and/or replace certain items to present an appealing interior that showcase your property to its greatest advantage. This may also require some re-organisation of space – the way you currently live and use your available space may not be the best way to create the lifestyle vision your buyers are looking for. Stylists are well experienced in making the most of your home’s individual features, creating a feeling of space, and are adept at creating an ambience that attracts the most interest from viewings.


  1. Arrange for a professional cleaning company to deep clean your property. You may also want to book them for a weekly top-up clean once your campaign launches to keep the place fresh and fragrant.


  1. Once your property is newly styled, this is a great time to orgainse your professional photographs. The added bonus here, is that you have a record of how your stylist presented your property, which you can use as a reference to make sure it looks perfect before each open home, or private inspection.


  1. Finally, on inspection days, making your property fragrant, with candles, room sprays or fresh flowers will go a long way to making your home feel inviting.

To help you with the preparation of your property, as well as legal and financial requirements, we have created a list of our trusted partners for your convenience.

Please feel free to contact them directly, or if you prefer, we can arrange for the service providers you need to contact you. Just let us know.



IHS Law  – Sean Jolly            

(02) 9807 2844



Restwell Consulting Services

1300 552 262


Brett Woodward




Sass Property Styling

0401 491 577



Bright Painting Solution  – Muhsin

0412 813 236


Kana Painting Services  – Alex Han / Mansu Han

0405 902 033



Alex     0438 801 860

Paul     0418 804 088

Marco 0433 144 841



Tina     0424 673 979



Mortgage House – Kevin Abeysiri

02 9874 2511     0404 234 495



Mark   0418464591


You Plumbing  – Cameron Holmes

0423 238 411



TCA Electrical – Tom Angel

0422 607 548



Olivia   0430 321 445


SOAP Professional Cleaning – Priscilla Sousa

1300 669 181



Elsinga Cleaning Services – Tim Elsinga

0415 495 776


O T G Rubbish Removals  – Mark Korzec

0429 222 344

Anything else we can help you with, we are just a phone call away.

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